Christmas sneak peeks

As you already know (especially if you've subscribed to my newsletter, because you have, right?) Christmas is approaching and here at La Cave à Laine (aka my sitting room, which is the center hub of the operations) we are excited and busy! My attention is now equally divided between markets and the online shop. Soon you'll find many updates on the online shop, with new wooly (and cotton) unique accessories to buy for you and to gift to all your friends. But how could you be always up to date about my online and offline whereabouts? You have many many ways to do so: Online or offline you are all set for your Christmas shopping! Do not wait until the last day: the best shawls will be gone and I won't have the time to knit you your dreams! Stay in touch, follow me :) [gallery type="rectangular" columns="2" size="medium" ids="68,69,70,56,55" orderby="rand"]    
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[…] on the side of knitting I am know actively back on social media (do you follow me?) and on this blog to help you with your Christmas shopping and gift […]

Behind the scene of Christmas | Le blog de La Cave à Laine

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