The result of the survey 2018

The result of the survey 2018

I have finally had enough time to share with you the results of our 2018 survey! Thank you so much to all the people that took the time to respond!

Here is a brief summary of you responses and the action I took, taking and will be taking!
Newsletter improvements
More tips and tricks

You asked for it and I completely agree with you: I am preparing a series of short, wordless videos to explain some of the tricky part of my patterns.


En Français

Sorry, but at moment it is impossible for me to write 2 newsletters in 2 different languages. Also my French is not good enough to write lengthy text!


Favourite recipes

I have added a recipe section, altogether with a book and tv section in the last 2 newsletters :) I am enjoying it a lot, so I think I will keep going with these 3 new columns!



You have asked for more highlights of current projects, occasional free patterns on a blog. I am organising in keeping the blog more updated. And as a subscriber you have 1 free pattern a year. I am not very good to share stuff on Instagram Stories and alike...


About Knitting Patterns
Sales and discounts

I am at the moment (or maybe forever) unable to offer more sales and discount I already offer. Normally you get a discount for a short period when I launch a pattern.


Cast it on!

Many of you wrote that you have purchased one of my pattern but never casted on! Let's go! take it out and cast it on!


About Project Bags

You have asked it, you have got! All the new project bags have pockets! Some are small, most are big!



You have asked for more diveristy in fabrics and shapes: you have got it! You can now choose among 5 different bags and many fabrics!


More Stock

Stitch markers
You have asked for stitch markers to be added to the website. I make and sell stitch markers at fairs, And now I have finally found the time to put them online! Here they are!

I have this idea too since some time. I am searching for suppliers and let me tell you it is not easy to find eco-friendly suppliers of notions! I would love to find European suppliers of notions made with natural materials (no plastic): if you know anyone, fell free to send their contacts to me!

Oh boy, we could have an entire newsletter on why I do not stock yarn (yet), but mainly is a budget issue. I do not have enough budget (and storage space) to stock yarn: as simple as that! I have a project all laid out of the yarn I would love to stock, but the budget I would need for this is quite huge, as well as the storage space I would need :)


Some of you wrote that they haven't yet bought one of my bags because shipping was too expensive. And I can perfectly understand your point of view.

But let me explain you why shipping is expensive.

I charge you the amount La Poste, the French postal system, charges me, plus a few cents for envelop, packaging and handling.
I use only tracked post, so we are both sure where your package is and we can sleep serene.
I buy every single stamp (online, and then I print them myself), I pack each and everyone of your orders, and I post every single envelop. I am no Amazon!
But there is good news! Since April 2019 I offer free shipping on European orders above 49€ (rest of the world orders ships for free above 99€)!

About you

And now a little bit about you :)

You answered to the survey from all over the world and it was very touching! Thank you!

Since how may years do you knit?



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